Floating jetty-mooring place-Walcon-steel-aluminium

Specialized in port components

We provide you with expert advice for the perfect end result. We will come and see the situation on location. Based on this, we will make a tailor-made quotation.

Port parts specialist

As a port specialist, we offer everything for the design of your port. Both for the recreational port and for the industrial port. Below you will find an overview of all our port components and their applications.

Port parts for mooring

Mooring must be safe and easy. Not only safe for people, but also for the vessels. At Havenspecialist you will find everything you need for the perfect mooring.

Mooring rings

Mooring rings are suitable for mooring small boats, canoes and jet skis. The advantage of a mooring ring is the ease with which you attach the rope.

Bollards are more suitable for larger ships. Our mooring rings are always made of hot-dip galvanized steel. This prevents rust formation. The standard ring has a diameter of 12.85 centimeters. The ring is mounted on a base plate of 80 x 100 mm or on a thread of 275 mm long.

The mooring ring with base plate is easy to screw onto a jetty, finger pier or terrace. If this is not possible, the screw thread offers a solution.

In addition to these fixed sizes, Havenspecialist also supplies custom-made mooring rings. We are happy to advise you about your specific situation.

mooring ring-SS316-mooring ring-mooring facility-front


Bollards are more suitable for mooring larger ships. Bollards are not only sturdier, it is also possible to attach the rope better than to a mooring ring. We supply bollards with base plates in different sizes. From 60 x 110 mm to 160 x 250 mm.

All our bollards are made of stainless steel or hot-dip galvanized steel for a long lifespan. Do you need a different size? That's no problem either. We supply bollards in any desired size.

mooring bollard stainless steel 316 construction


Cleats can be placed on the pontoon as well as on the boat. For the pontoons it does not matter whether you use cleats or bollards. Both are strong enough.

For boats it's a different story. The space on the side deck is often limited. A bollard quickly gets in the way. With a cleat you won't have that problem. It is narrow enough and does not extend further up the side deck than the railing. A bollard is usually chosen at the front and rear of the boat. There is simply enough room for that in those places.

In addition, a cleat also does something to the appearance of your boat. A cleat generally looks more stylish than a bolder.

For stability, it is important that the line can be placed around the cleat twice and can also be returned to the boat. This means the boat is firmly secured, even in waves and strong winds.

mooring cleat-RVS316 harbor frog

Pile caps

You will encounter them at most harbors and jetties: mooring posts. Generally these are made of wood. The mooring posts are constantly influenced by the weather. The top is especially sensitive to this.

Water soaks into the wood and eventually the post will rot. This is at the expense of the stability and appearance of the port. Post caps protect the top of the post and prevent water from remaining on the post and seeping into the wood.

Havenspecialist supplies pole caps in all conceivable sizes. Round, square and octagonal. With or without point and made of hot-dip galvanized steel or plastic.

pole cap-steel-round-with-point-pole cap-port parts-pile cover

Port components for safety

Safety is of great importance. Not only on board, but also when you disembark. We offer the right products to increase safety at moorings.

Safety boxes

Sailing is never without risk. Someone could fall overboard or step when entering the boat. Another danger is fire. You don't want to think about your boat or ship going up in flames.

With a safety box you always have the right tools within reach. With us you will find safety boxes with or without content. The boxes and contents are equipped with a lifebuoy and fire extinguisher.

The safety box is supplied with a stand if desired. The stand is made of aluminum for a long lifespan.

Safety box from Walcon Marine with aluminum stand and lifebuoy

Safety ladders

Safety ladders are also called swimming ladders. They ensure that you can easily climb onto the jetty after swimming. We supply custom-made safety ladders in aluminum, stainless steel and hot-dip galvanized steel.

No customization needed? We have a Walcon safety ladder in stock. Available with five or seven steps and available in yellow. This safety ladder is made of plastic.


Walcon Marine safety ladder or swim ladder model MH3

Story pens

Adjustment pins are also called mooring pins or mooring pins. A mooring pin makes it possible to moor small boats and ships. Even when there are no mooring facilities on shore.

Havenspecialist's locking pins are always hot-dip galvanized. Our 270 mm long story pin can be ordered directly online. We make all other dimensions to size.


Adjusting pin or blades made of hot-dip galvanized steel

Water reels

After a trip on the water, it is nice to be able to hose down the boat. For example, the deck, which gets dirty quickly. Especially in bad weather.

But the pontoons also gets dirty. Especially in periods when many people moor their boats. With the water reel, the pontoons will be clean again in no time. This ensures a safe environment and the right appearance.



water reels-port-facilities-jetty

Assembly service of port parts

Do you not have the time, tools or the right knowledge to assemble the port parts yourself? Then ask us about the possibilities. Our specialists assemble everything according to the prescribed guidelines for a perfect end result.

Advice & customization

There is a lot to consider when setting up a port or mooring. We can imagine that you do not know exactly what to pay attention to. Our specialists are happy to come and view the location and provide you with tailor-made advice. Think of:

  • Where should the mooring rings be located?
  • How far apart should the bollards be placed?
  • What sizes do I need for our size boats?
  • What is the best place for a safety box or ladder?

It is quite possible that our standard sizes turn out to be unsuitable. In that case, we make the products completely custom-made. This way you can be sure that the harbor or jetty will be fully equipped according to your wishes and requirements.

Do you have a question or need advice?

You can easily and quickly order all your port parts online via Havenspecialist! Are you looking for a customized quote for a project or do you have questions about one of our products? We are happy to help you.

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